Self-Care In The Midst Of Deadlines


Simran Narwani, Content Editor @ Media x Women


A 10-step skincare routine sounds great when we’ve got the time to indulge in taking care of ourselves, but what happens when deadlines and other responsibilities creep up all at the same time? It’s essential to take care of yourself especially when you are under stress so here are some quick self--care practices you can do in between deadlines that will have you feeling rejuvenated all while accomplishing all your goals like the #girlboss that you are.

  1. Get some roll-on aromatherapy- Essential oils can make a difference in one's mental state and are associated with certain responses such as lavender promotes sleep, orange blossom is a smell to make you feel energetic and eucalyptus for better immunity. These oils are pretty accessible and come in different forms to be added to humidifiers or even in a roll-on perfume form. Dab some rose oil on your wrists or the back of your hand and take a moment to breathe in and ground yourself. Another form of aromatherapy is lighting candles, with their calming light and your favorite scent you’ll be taking care of yourself and it didn't even make you late for today's deadline.

  2. Under-eye patches- After a long day of work deadlines won’t leave your side and you don’t have the time to lie down as your face mask dries, an easier option is under-eye patches that help with the puffiness from all that sleep you are missing and they’re also cooling without the effort.

  3. Affirmations- When you aren't feeling very appreciated, turn to the most trusted person in the room: you. Repeat kind words to yourself acknowledging a completed project or a creative idea. Surround yourself with posters or even a wallpaper on your phone with kind words to help keep you mentally motivated because you feel like you’re being appreciated.

  4. Make time for an episode of your favorite show- Binge-watching can help you switch off from a long day. But what happens if there's still so much to be done and eight episodes just isn’t possible? Scale down and try watching short films that don’t take as long to finish and have complete storylines (no sequels counted). That way you don’t feel the need to watch all the episodes and instead can get a lot of content in less time. In the end, you still manage to give your mind that break.

  5. Cook some healthy food- Your body plays a role in keeping you energetic and motivated to keep working, by taking the time to at least whip up a salad or cut some fruit for yourself instead of buying something already prepared can give your mind a chance to focus on other things and will also give you an opportunity to actively take care of yourself without anything too time-consuming. 


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